V0.0.3 - KH

"Bugs and Fixes"

Author: Kevin Hall

Posted on 06/27/24


When I was adding the Low Health Effect Widget to the viewport, I was adding it everyone time the characters health was below 5.  The issue was that this also made the widget get added to the viewport when you hade 4,3,2, and 1 health.  This caused the blood effect to get added to the viewport 5 times.  This made the Blood Effect Stack on top of its self and caused it to  corwd the screen.  Also when the blood effect is added to the viewport it plays a heavy breathing sound, so by the 5th time the breathing was added to the viewport it just sounded like static.


Created a Boolean value, that got set to true when the widget was added to the viewport which wouldn't let it get added to the viewport unless it was false.  This also helps us set up the game situation where the player heals above 5 health and we can remove the widget.

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