V0.1.3 - KH

"Spells and Widgets"

Author: Kevin Hall


The problem

This was a huge week for us!  This week I was in-charge of adding the finishing touches to the upgrade shop, and making the HUD update appropriately as you purchase spells in the game.  After that, we realized that we should make it clear to the player what the current spell he has equipped is.

The solution

I added all the spell costs to the purchasing and upgrading of all the different spells and their respective buttons.   

Now that the user is able to actually purchase upgrades (Given they can afford it), we were then ready to set up the HUD for assigning pictures to spells.

As you can see when you enter the game with out having bought any spells the HUD spell slots are blank!   Since our spells and their details, like "Cooldown", and "Base Cost" are held in a data table, we just added another parameter of type Texture 2D, and assign it to the correct slot based on the order they are bought.

Now when you buy spells we add them to the HUD slots and put a "active" background behind the currently selected spell.

Get Plight of the Gods

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