V0.0.2 Devlog-EN

Hit Detection

Author: Eyon Norman


The Problem:

Hit detection for our player went pretty smooth. The player attacks, calls an anim notify state, then during that state draws spheres to detect collision. The first problem was to figure out if we wanted to keep the way that does damage. Currently with that setup the light attacks draw less spheres than the heavy attacks giving the heavy attacks more damage. Another part of the problem was we only wanted the enemy to do damage once per attack animation.

The Solution:

We decided to keep the multiple hits for the player, The enemy however we still only wanted to do damage once. So instead of straight up calling apply damage after checking to see if the hit object is a player. I added a Do once node that way it only applies damage once for the enemies. After the apply damage function is done it adds a delay before damage can be done again. This is currently set to 0.5 which works for now but eventually when we get more enemy attacks this will change to the specific duration of the attack animation that is playing

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