v0.0.2 - DevLog - JR

"Problems with Magic System Functionality"

Author: Jeremiah Rangel

Posted on 06/21/24


After getting the Magic system's base blueprint and Fireball spell blueprint completed, I moved on to getting the blueprint code into the player blueprint to set the Fireball spell's functionality. However, when I went to test it, the spell did not abide by (1) the cooldown and (2) the spell charges - the amount of times you could use a spell before you were out of juice - requirement. I checked my spell logic, both the base spell and the Fireball spell, and I even refactored some of the logic in the hopes that it would fix the issue. I toggled breakpoints left and right and saw that the spell was going through everything in the functions. However, even that didn't fix the issues at hand.


The solution was fairly simple: when doing the blueprint code and functionality for the player, I forgot to include an Object Reference to the spell itself for the player. I had the Class Reference set up but forgot to assign an Object Reference to the spell so that the values that I wanted to get modified actually got modified in the process. Without the Object Reference, no values were getting changed or saved at all, which allowed infinite spell usage and no "fire rate cap" on the spell usage as well.

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