V.0.0.2 - KevinH

Action binding and project packaging

Author: Kevin Hall

Posted on: 06/21/24


As the UI programmer I sort of have to fit the UI elements into the appropriate places through out the project.  I am still getting used to creating custom events and binding them to each other.  I was having issues binding the player on dead to the lose screen and then also getting the wave number from the GameMode was a little tricky.  Also I was in charge of packaging the project where we had Unreal crash 4 to 5 times.


Not everything needs to be an event, sometimes it is better to use a function if you are going to directly invoke it, unlike events that get called on a broadcast throughout the project.  Also events don't return anything,  like functions do.  I have found the best approach is to try and write out what I'm trying to achieve in English on a piece of paper so that I can follow the logic.  I have wasted a lot of time plugging things into the blueprint, just to realize that its in the wrong spot or I'm missing a important node.  We solved the lose screen by CORECTLY binding the OnDead delegate to the UI portion.  But, we used a Function, to connect the wave number to the UI.  I want to encourage our team to verify their assets in the content browser when ever they add/remove things from the scene/project.  When I was going to package the project for the team there was 2 floating assets that "Could not be found" and it caused Unreal to crash multiple times.  It wasn't until I verified the Assets in the content browser that it fixed itself and for some reason just added a random Vampire to our scene.  After verifying the assets though we were able to clear up the issues and make the build.

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