V0.0.1 - KH

"Problems with Importing Assets and source control"

Author: Kevin Hall

Posted on 06/14/24


We set up the repository for the project with little to no problems.  We later came to find out that we had to make the Uproject writable in perforce, so that it would not have to be checked out every time, by every person, when they just make a change to the certain things in the project like dropping a character in the world or changing project settings.  I had also accidentally stashed a "Submit" and it had changes ready for submit, that never got submitted and so it caused me to have a bunch of files checked out when other people were trying to use the project.  I also was in charge of finding assets for the project, which went well, and I found all my characters and animations on mixamo.  Importing them to the project though was a different story.  I had imported every animation with its own skeleton which ended up blowing up the project to a huge size and had multiple duplicates of assets.


I was given guidance and help cleaning up my personal Perforce app and was able to check back in the files.  I did not know that "submitting" would also check them back in.  We also made our UProject writable to avoid unneeded check-outs.  As a team we did some research and discovered the correct way to import Mixamo assets.  You need to first get the character by its self in T-Pose and drag and drop it into your Unreal Project.  After that you want to have your character selected in mixamo, choose your animation, if applicable check the "stay in place" box then download it with out a skin.  Drag your new downloaded animation into Unreal, and when it prompts you to import the asset make sure you have the Character skeleton selected for the character you are importing.  After sprint1 I feel much more confident working in perforce and continuing with the project. 

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