V0.0.1. Devlog - JR

"Problems with Source Control and the Level Blockout"

Author: Jeremiah Rangel

Posted on 06/14/24


Once we got our source control's basic set up done through Perforce, we started moving our small, individual contributions into what would be our main Unreal project. My contribution was to take the blockout static meshes I made when setting up the level blockout and added them to the project. Then, I would "remake" the level in a new Unreal level/map and save and submit the changes.

However, when I first started the process, I imported what was said to be changes from our repo. After finishing the level blockout again and going to submit it, Perforce told me that the files I imported from the rep were actually read as new files. The files names were gibberish, so I only submitted the files I could understand and knew I added: the static meshes and the new Level object.  What I didn't realize is that when opening the level, all that appeared was a black void for everyone. I went back to check my own copy and saw there was no issue, so I had to figure out what was the problem since I was the only one not experiencing the issue.


The main issue was that some of the files that were gibberish earlier were actually files needed for the level to show properly. These files were generated when I was creating the level and the blockout, and these files essentially told the editor where everything went. But, in order to ensure I copied only what I had worked on, I decided to start fresh.

The solution for the problem was rather simple. I had to delete my entire repo to get rid of those "imported" files from earlier, then pull the project repo for a brand new copy on my machine. From there, I rebuilt the level and saved my changes. Without those "imported" files, I could now see which files were indeed needed for the level to work as they were the only files that Perforce recognized that were new. I went on to submit it to the repo and told the others to test the level again. They confirmed that the level was working properly at that point, so the issue had been resolved.

The lesson to be learned is that, despite what Unreal might tell me, I will always need to check in with my peers to ensure that I am only pulling files that they have added and have some sense to research a prompt that Unreal gives me before agreeing to it if it sounds "about right".

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