V0.0.1 devlog

Problems with Source control

author: Eyon Norman

Posted on 06/14/2024


We were learning how to use Perforce this week. I was in charge of getting everything setup and a project on the repo. One of the days we realized that multiple people had the Uproject checked out one of them being me. I didnt make any changes to the Uproject so i really didnt know why it was checked out to me. so i submitted it to "check it in" and this caused problems. After the other team member also checked back in the file. we realized. We had no access to the actual project anymore. It was broken.


We got in contact with our instructor and he walked us through the process of reverting changes and making the Uproject writeable. My "check in" of the uproject file did indeed cause this issue. We now know that if we didnt do any work/change anything on the file. Just revert the change that is on your local machine and it should check the file back in. No need to submit anything that has no changes to it and potentially break the project again. While yes i was the cause of the issue I am glad that it happened sooner rather than later. We didnt end up losing any progress that any of the team members have made, and we got to learn what to do in that situation if it ever happens again.

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